
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

     We have officially arrived in Costa Rica! We spent all day in a van on the 12th and went from Granada straight down to our cabins in Costa Rica. 

     We are staying in cabins literally in the jungle. We do a 7 minute hike from our cabins to the house for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We are right next to a hotel with a restaurant and a pool (which is so nice because it’s incredibly hot here). 

     Our ministry works with those battling addiction who want to leave that behind and live life for God. We will be helping minister them, while also helping finish a building called the Dorcus house (young mothers will be able to stay their with their children as they go through the year long program battling their addiction and learning to rely on God), and working in the chocolate factory (I’m drooling just thinking about the chocolate). Part of the program for the men is harvesting cacao, removing the beans, drying/fermenting them, cracking them to get the nibs, then turning that to chocolate. So far we have only done one ministry day, which involved lord of manual labor clearing debris, moving rock, and painting. This was all at the Dorcus house on campus, which will be the home for the young women with children. They will be opening that right around the time we leave for the US. 

     We will have a sabbath day on Saturdays and adventure days on Thursdays. My wifi access is extremely spotty (it’s only at the hotel which is a short hike from the cabins and nowhere near our ministry site. And often is not working). So if I’m not answering it’s probably because I can’t (not that I’m ignoring you). I’ll post an update next week about our adventure with the toilet flood in our cabin as well as how the first full week of ministry goes:)