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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey! My name is Lauren Fisher and I’m looking forward to seeing the work God will be doing through our team in Central America. I grew up living in the countryside between a couple small towns. I spent most of my time outside, and not much has changed. I still love being outdoors and find a way to do that as much as possible.

I graduated from the University of Iowa in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in International Studies and a certificate in Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy. Since graduating, I have been working, growing in my faith, finding new hobbies, and trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up;) When I’m not working, I am hanging out with my family (most often my sister, her husband, and their children), roller-skating, reading, swing dancing, kayaking, hiking, and plenty of other fun things. I have been blessed with some incredible friends who like to get outside of their comfort zone, and push me outside of mine as well.

Why the World Race? I have always loved travel and reaching out to help people. This trip will allow me to do both, while also growing my faith and trust in God. I am sure that I will come back completely changed for the better. We all have so much room for growth as we strive to be more like Jesus every day. He has called me to this trip, I am simply listening and answering His call on my life.